Saturday, May 30, 2015

Fake Makeup

My daughter is so intrigued by makeup!  I don't really wear that much makeup, but nonetheless she loves the stuff!  Here's a cute little fake makeup I made for her to pretend to put some on.  Easy to make and she LOVES it...because she thinks it's real!

Here's how to make it:
-Find one of your old makeup containers (By the way if it's more than 6 months's old and most likely contains bacteria that you shouldn't be putting on your face use it to make this project!)
-Empty all of the makeup out of it.  It comes out surprisingly easy!
-Have your daughter pick her favorite colors from your nailpolishes (or go to the Dollar Store and grab a few cheapies!)
-Pour in the nailpolish.
-Let it dry for at several hours.  I let it dry overnight just to be safe. 
-That's it!  The picture above is how it looks completely dry.  :)

Saturday, May 23, 2015


Hi!  My name is Kristin and I'm a mommy of two kiddos.  Gianna, who just turned 5 and Joey, who turns 3 next week.  My husband and I are high school sweethearts.  We've been together for 17 years!!  I'm also a preschool teacher, which I have a separate blog for...The Teaching Zoo!

On this blog, I hope to share my experiences as a mommy and advice for you...while I'm "At Home With My Tots"!  I've already got so many posts planned to share.  Believe it or not, this "first post" was the hardest for me to write and has been left blank for too long now and I decided to just go for it and introduce myself!  I hope you'll stick around for more!